All requests sent to our API must include your API Key in the header of the request for security reasons. Please include the header "X-AUTHORIZATION-KEY" in each request. It is also recommended to set the Content-Type to "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;" and the charset as "UTF-8;"
Accept: application/json
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Type: application/json
X-AUTHORIZATION-KEY: 0d5002eb1d34b31ec84eabe38142exxx
Resource | Description |
orders/ | [GET]Endpoint to retreive all orders from your Shopify store. |
orders/{orderid}/ | [GET]Endpoint to retrieve an order identified by it's Shopify id. |
orders/{email}/ | [GET]Endpoint to retrieve an order tied to a customer's email address. |
orders/{start}/{end}/ | [GET]Endpoint to retrieve all orders placed within a set amount of time. |
clients/ | [GET]Endpoint to retrieve all client records from your Shopify store. |
clients/{accountnumber}/ | [GET]Endpoint to retrieve a client record identified by their account number. |
agreements/ | [GET]Endpoint to return all approved agreements from the digital financing portal. |
agreements/{contractid}/ | [GET]Endpoint to return an approved agreement by it's Great America contract id. |
applications/ | [GET]Endpoint to return all digital financing applications. |
applications/{applicationid}/ | [GET]Endpoint to return an application from the digital financing portal by it's B2BToolbox id. |
draft_orders/ | [GET]Endpoint to return all draft orders from your Shopify store. |
draft_orders/{orderid}/ | [GET]Endpoint to return a draft order identified by it's Shopify id. |
contract/renewals/ | [GET]Endpoint to return all DFP quotes created for contract renewals. |
orders/{orderid}/ | [POST]Endpoint to update an order's fulfillment information through Shopify. |
clients/ | [POST]Endpoint to create a customer through Shopify. |
clients/{accountnumber}/ | [POST]Endpoint to update a customer through Shopify. |